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3 Reasons Why You Should Feed EOC Over Flaxseed

Flaxseed has long been regarded as a valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids; however, there's a supplement that offers a more comprehensive solution.

When it comes to enhancing the health and well-being of your equine companion, dietary choices play a crucial role. Flaxseed has long been regarded as a valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). However, there’s a supplement that offers a more comprehensive solution – Equine Omega Complete (EOC). In this article, we’ll explore why EOC is the superior choice for your horse’s nutritional needs when compared to flaxseed.

Beyond ALA: EPA and DHA

While flaxseed undoubtedly offers a valuable source of ALA, which can potentially be converted into other beneficial omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA in horses, the critical factor to consider is the limited conversion rate of ALA to these vital compounds. Equine Omega Complete (EOC) takes the concept of equine nutrition a step further by directly providing EPA and DHA in their active forms. This distinction marks EOC as a superior choice for your equine companion’s comprehensive health and well-being.

The EOC Advantage: Maximum Impact, Minimal Conversion The crux of the matter lies in the efficiency and effectiveness of supplementation. Flaxseed provides a potential source of ALA, but the conversion process to EPA and DHA in horses is far from efficient. Research indicates that the ALA to EPA conversion rate in horses is around 10%, and the conversion to DHA is even lower, less than 0.1%.

This inherent limitation makes the direct provision of EPA and DHA, as Equine Omega Complete offers, a game-changer. Horses can harness these essential fatty acids’ full potential without needing conversion. This maximizes the benefits and ensures a more predictable and reliable impact on your horse’s health.

Targeted Support for Joints

Understanding Equine Joint Health Equine joint health is a critical aspect of your horse’s overall well-being, especially for performance or aging horses. Joints play a pivotal role in mobility, and their proper function is essential for your horse to move comfortably and perform optimally. Unfortunately, equine joints can be prone to inflammation and discomfort due to a variety of factors, including age, athletic demands, and wear and tear.

The Role of ALA in Flaxseed Flaxseed’s (ALA) content has made it a popular choice among horse owners aiming to support joint health. While ALA can contribute to general well-being, it’s essential to recognize that its effectiveness in managing equine joint issues may have limitations.

EPA: The Inflammation Manager EPA is key in addressing joint inflammation. Inflammation in equine joints can lead to stiffness, discomfort, and reduced mobility. Through its powerful anti-inflammatory effects, EPA helps mitigate this inflammation by modulating the production of inflammatory compounds. By doing so, not only provides relief from discomfort but also supports the overall health and longevity of your horse’s joints.

DHA: Enhancing Joint Function Equine Omega Complete’s inclusion of DHA further enhances joint health. DHA supports the integrity and function of joint tissues, promoting smoother movement and reduced friction within the joint capsule. This not only improves joint comfort but also contributes to long-term joint well-being.

The EOC Advantage: Direct and Efficient The essential distinction between flaxseed and Equine Omega Complete lies in the directness and efficiency of supplementation. Flaxseed’s ALA can potentially offer some degree of joint support. However, as mentioned earlier, the conversion of ALA to EPA and DHA in horses is limited.

With Equine Omega Complete, there’s no need for your horse’s body to convert ALA into these critical omega-3 fatty acids. They are provided in their active forms, ensuring maximum and immediate impact. This direct and efficient approach translates to quicker results and more reliable joint support for your horse.

Elevating Equine Joint Health In the realm of equine joint health, Equine Omega Complete emerges as a superior choice. While flaxseed’s ALA can offer some general benefits, the direct supply of EPA and DHA in EOC provides targeted and powerful support. EPA manages inflammation effectively, reducing discomfort and promoting mobility, while DHA enhances joint function for smoother, more comfortable movement.

By choosing Equine Omega Complete, you’re not only prioritizing your horse’s current joint health but also investing in their long-term well-being. Whether your horse is a seasoned athlete or a cherished companion, their joints play a crucial role in their quality of life, and EOC ensures they receive the comprehensive support they deserve.

Enhanced Skin and Coat Health

The Significance of Healthy Skin and Coat in Horses A horse’s skin and coat are not merely aesthetic aspects but critical indicators of their overall health and well-being. Skin is the body’s largest organ and serves as a protective barrier against external threats like bacteria, fungi, and environmental irritants. A healthy coat looks appealing, provides insulation, and helps regulate body temperature.

Flaxseed has long been recognized for its potential to enhance skin and coat health in horses. Equine Omega Complete (EOC) sets itself apart by going beyond the capabilities of flaxseed via EPA and DHA.

EPA: Managing Allergies and Itching In the context of skin health, EPA can be a game-changer for horses prone to allergies, itching, or skin sensitivities. Allergies can lead to skin inflammation, which in turn causes itching, discomfort, and potential skin issues. EPA helps manage these conditions by modulating the body’s inflammatory responses. This means fewer episodes of itching, reduced skin irritation, and a happier, more comfortable horse.

DHA: Promoting a Lustrous Coat In addition to EPA’s benefits, DHA plays a crucial role in enhancing coat health. DHA is involved in the structural integrity of skin cells, ensuring they function optimally. When skin cells are healthy and well-nourished, the result is a more vibrant and lustrous coat. Horses supplemented with EOC often exhibit a coat that shines with health and vitality.

The EOC Advantage: Comprehensive Skin and Coat Care By providing EPA and DHA directly, Equine Omega Complete offers comprehensive skin and coat care for your horse. It’s not merely about aesthetics but about your horse’s comfort and well-being.

Conclusion: The Choice for Enhanced Skin and Coat Health In terms of skin and coat health for horses, Equine Omega Complete is the superior choice. While flaxseed’s ALA content can contribute to a glossy coat and healthy skin, the addition of EPA and DHA furthers these benefits. EPA helps manage allergies and itching, while DHA promotes a lustrous coat, making your horse look great and feel great.

Your horse’s skin and coat are visible reflections of their internal health. By choosing Equine Omega Complete, you’re prioritizing their comfort and well-being, ensuring they look and feel their best, from the inside out. Whether your horse is a beloved companion or a competitive athlete, their skin and coat health matter, and EOC provides the comprehensive support they need.


While flaxseed has its merits as a source of omega-3 fatty acids, Equine Omega Complete offers a comprehensive solution that goes beyond the limitations of ALA. With its direct supply of EPA and DHA, Equine Omega Complete provides targeted support for joint health, cognitive function, skin and coat health, and overall well-being. When making a choice between flaxseed and Equine Omega Complete, the ability to provide your horse with a wide range of essential nutrients in their most effective forms makes Equine Omega Complete a top-tier supplement for equine health.

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