Making horses healthy.

Understanding Equine Anhidrosis

Thoroughbred horses coming down the stretch on the turf at Woodbine Racetrack

Don’t let anhidrosis hinder your horse’s performance – empower yourself with knowledge and proactive measures to ensure optimal health in all weather conditions.

EOC® for Inflammation

Have you ever wondered why fatty acid supplements, like Equine Omega Complete, are so effective at managing inflammation?

Equine Omega Vitamin E®

Lack of access to quality pasture can lead to vitamin E deficiency; EOV™ is an excellent choice for horses on a hay-based diet or high-performance horses to promote recovery. 

Equine Omega Complete®

If you currently add supplements and/or vitamins to your horse’s diet, you may be overspending on products that do not provide all of the benefits that you need.

Equine Mega Gain®

Horses can experience difficulty gaining or maintaining weight for several reasons. Health conditions, age-related issues, or simply inadequate calories can all contribute. Equine Mega Gain® can help a hard keeper gain weight – and keep it.

Equine Mega Sweat®

If your horse suffers from anhidrosis, sweat may be difficult to experience, even on the hottest and most humid days. Mega Sweat® can help.

Vitamin E and Horses

Vitamin E is an integral part of your horse’s health, and ensuring your horse receives the proper amount of vitamin E to protect and promote cellular health can be easily administered; however, not just any type of vitamin E will provide the proper results.

Digestive Issues in Dogs

In this short post, we identify some of the symptoms and risks of canine digestive issues and explain the connection between these issues and a lack of vitamins and minerals in canine diets.